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"If you take the MY out of money, you are left with ONE."

- Brock Pierce, billionaire cryptocurrency investor, ex-video gaming entrepreneur, child actor and person with tendency to utter inspo-bullshit phrases.

Money is a book of aphorisms that promise life-changing insights but fail, and are even better for it. Inspired by and riffing on Brock Pierce's quote, these versions were algorithmically generated by a twitter bot:

"If you take the RAG out of Raging, you are left with Gin."

"If you take the BAD out of Bastard, you are left with STAR."

"If you take the SHY out of Shoddy, you are left with ODD."

A group of cryptocurrency investors from California, inspired by low tax incentives and hurricane devastation in Puerto Rico, are planning a new "crypto-utopia" called "Puertopia". Brock Piece is one of the founders . What Brock doesn't know is that the translation of Puertopia in Latin is "eternal boy playground", which all seems very appropriate.

New copy.

Unknown Unknowns.